Sorted depending on the type of publication and date of publication (from the most recent to the oldest).
- Book chapter:
- Lotte, F., Appriou, A., Benaroch, C., Dreyer, P., Er, A., Monseigne, T., Pillette, L., … & Roc, A. (2021). Apprendre à contrôler une interface cerveau-ordinateur: le projet BrainConquest. In Annales des Mines-Réalités industrielles (No. 3, pp. 16-22). FFE.
- Lotte, F., Jeunet, C., Mladenovic, J., N’Kaoua, B., & Pillette, L. (2018). A BCI challenge for the signal processing community: considering the user in the loop. Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Brain-Machine Interfaces, pages 1–33. IET. Chapter 8.
- Article in scientific journals with reviewing committee:
- Pillette, L., Moreau, G., Normand, J. M., Perrier, M., Lecuyer, A., & Cogne, M. (2022). A Systematic Review of Navigation Assistance Systems for People with Dementia. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
- Pillette, L., N’Kaoua, B., Sabau, R., Glize, B., & Lotte, F. (2021). Multi-Session Influence of Two Modalities of Feedback and Their Order of Presentation on MI-BCI User Training. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(3), 12.
- Pillette*, L., Roc*, A., N’Kaoua, B., and Lotte, F. (2021). Experimenters’ Influence on Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interface User Training. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 102603.
- Appriou, A., Pillette, L., Trocellier, D., Dutartre, D., Cichocki, A., & Lotte, F. (2021). BioPyC, an open-source Python toolbox for offline electroencephalographic and physiological signals classification. Sensors, 21(17), 5740.
- Benaroch, C., Sadatnejad, K., Roc, A., Appriou, A., Monseigne, T., Pramij, S., Mladenovic, J., Pillette, L., Jeunet, C. & Lotte, F. (2021). Long-term BCI training of a Tetraplegic User: Adaptive Riemannian Classifiers and User Training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 635653.
- Roc, A., Pillette, L., Benaroch, C., Mladenovic, J., Jeunet, C. & Lotte, F. « A Review of User Training Methods in Mental Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces ». Journal of Neural Engineering.
- Pillette, L., Lotte, F., N'Kaoua, B., Joseph P.A., Jeunet, C. & Glize, B., « Why we should systematically assess, control and report somatosensory impairments in BCI-based motor rehabilitation after stroke studies - From theory to experimental prospects - ». NeuroImage: Clinical.
- Pillette, L., Jeunet, C., Mansencal, B., N'Kambou, R., N'Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. « A physical learning companion for Mental-Imagery BCI User Training » (2019), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 102380.
- Batail, J.-M., Bioulac, S., Cabestaing, F., Daudet, C., Drapier, D., Fouillien, M., Fovet, T., Hakoun, A., Jardri, R., Jeunet, C., Lotte, F., Maby, E., Mattout, J., Medani, T., Micoulaud-Franchi, J.A., Mladenovic, J., Perronet, L., Pillette, L., Ros, T. & Vialatte, F. (auteurs en ordre alphabétique) (2017), « EEG neurofeedback research: a fertile ground for psychiatry? », L’Encéphale.
- International conferences with reviewing committee:
- Pillette, L., Moreau, M., Normand, JM., Perrier, M., Lécuyer, A. & Cogné, M. (2022b) Visual aids in Augmented Reality can help people with Alzheimer’s disease reach their navigation goal. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) 2022.
- Pillette, L., N’Kaoua, B., and Lotte, F. (2020). Toward adapting feedback for MI-BCI user training to learners' traits and states. International BCI Meeting.
- Jeunet, C., Bernaroch, C., Cabestaing, F., Chavarriaga, R., Colamarino, E., Corsi, M. C., ..., Pillette, L., … & Wriessnegger, S. (2020, September). A user-centred approach to unlock the potential of non-invasive BCIs: an unprecedented international translational effort. In CHIST-ERA Conference 2020.
- Sadatnejad, K., Roc, A., Pillette, L., Monseigne, T., & Lotte, F. (2020, May). Channel Selection over Riemannian Manifold with Non-Stationarity Consideration for Brain-Computer Interface Applications. In ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1364-1368). IEEE.
- Roc, A., Pillette, L., N’Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. « Would Motor-Imagery based BCI user training benefit from more women experimenters? ». 8th International BCI Conference, Graz, Austria.
- Lotte, F., Clerc, M., Appriou, A., Audino, A., Benaroch, C., Giacalone, P., ... & Turi, F. « Inria research & development for the Cybathlon BCI series ». 8th International BCI Conference, Graz, Austria.
- Pillette, L., Appriou, A., Cichocki, A., N’Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. (2018) « Classification of attention types in EEG signals », International BCI Meeting, Asilomar, United States.
- Appriou, A., Pillette, L., Cichocki, A. & Lotte, F. (2018) « BCPy, an open-source python platform for offline EEG signals decoding and analysis », International BCI Meeting, Asilomar, United States.
- Pillette, L., Jeunet, C., Mansencal, B., N'Kambou, R., N'Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. (2017, September). « PEANUT: Personalised Emotional Agent for Neurotechnology User-Training. » 7th International BCI Conference, Graz, Austria.
- National conference with reviewing committee:
- Pillette, L., Grevet, E., Dussard, C., Amadieu, F., Gasq, D., Pierrieau, E., Py., J., Si-Mohammed, H., George, N. & Jeunet, C. (2022c). Are Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neurofeedback acceptable? CORTICO 2022, Grenoble, France.
- Dussard, C., Pillette, L., Karachi, C., Dussard C., Welter, ML., Lau, B., Jeunet, C. & George, N. (2022). Can feedback transparency improve Motor-Imagery BCI performance? CORTICO 2022, Grenoble, France.
- Izac, M., Pillette, L., Di Rienzo, F., Guillaud, E., Guillot, A., Michelet, T. & Jeunet, C. (2022). What brain patterns should we reinforce during neurofeedback training procedures targeting motor imagery abilities? CORTICO 2022, Grenoble, France.
- Pierrieau, E., Pillette, L., Dussard, C., George, N. & Jeunet, C. (2022). Unveiling the role of beta activity in motor motivation: an EEG study of effort using neurofeedback and pupillometry. CORTICO 2022, Grenoble, France.
- Pillette, L., Glize, B., N'Kaoua, B., Joseph P.A., Jeunet, C. & Lotte, F. (2019, March). « Impact of MI-BCI feedback for post-stroke and neurotypical people ». Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur et Neurofeedback (JJC-ICON’2019), Lille, France.
- Roc, A., Pillette, L., N’Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. (2019, March). « Do experimenters have an influence on MI-BCI user training? », Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur et Neurofeedback (JJC-ICON’2019), Lille, France.
- Pillette, L., Jeunet, C., Mansencal, B., N'Kambou, R., N'Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. (2018, June). « Towards Artificial Learning Companions for Mental Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. » Workshop on Artificial Companion Affect Interaction Conference (WACAI 2018), Porquerolles, France.
- Pillette, L., Cichocki, A., N’Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. (2018, April) « Toward distinguishing the different types of attention using EEG signals », Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Interfaces Cerveau Ordinateur et Neurofeedback (JJC-ICON’2018), Toulouse, France.
- Roc, A., Pillette, L. & Lotte, F. (2018) « Toward understanding the influence of the experimenter on BCI performance », Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Interfaces Cerveau Ordinateur et Neurofeedback (JJC-ICON’2018), Toulouse, France.
- Articles submitted or in preparation:
- Pillette, L., Cogné, M, Normand, JM., Perrier, M., Lécuyer, A. & Moreau, M. Acceptability and usability of an augmented reality HMD to provide navigation advice to people with Alzheimer disease. In preparation.
- Pillette, L., Cichocki, A., N’Kaoua, B. & Lotte, F. EEG correlates of the components of attention. In preparation.
- Pillette, L., Dussard, C., Karachi, C., Welter, ML., Lau, B., George, N., & Jeunet, C. Neurofeedback/BCI-based motor rehabilitation for people with Parkinson's disease - A systematic Review. In preparation.
- Pillette, L., Grevet, E., Dussard, C., Gasq, D., George, N., Pierrieau, E., Py., J., Si-Mohammed, H., & Jeunet, C. Acceptability of Brain-Computer Interfaces and neurofeedback - A systematic review. In preparation.
- Dussard, C., Pillette, L., Karachi, C., Dussard C., Welter, ML., Lau, B., Jeunet, C., & George, N. Influence of task-feedback transparency during neurofeedback training. In preparation.
- Pillette, L., Grevet, E., Dussard, George, N., & Jeunet, C. Acceptability of motor rehabilitation technologies for Parkinson’s disease - A systematic review. In preparation.
- Enriquez-Geppert, S., Roc, A., Smit, A., Pillette, L., Rimbert, S., Heinrich, H., Micoulaud-Franchi, JA., Arns, M., Lotte, F. & Jeunet, C. Setting the tone: A framework of instructions and guidance for learning the self-regulation of brain activity. In preparation.