Learning companions
Could learning companions improve BCI training?
Could learning companions improve BCI training?
Do experimenters influence their results?
Which type of attention is involved during BCI training?
How to adapt feedback's modality of presentation?
The class, on user-training and feedback for BCIs, was at CORTICO (COllectif pour la Recherche Transdisciplinaire sur les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur), a national french conference on BCIs.
This presentation will be based on the work I did during my PhD on mental-imagery based BCIs.
I'll be working on the design, implementation and test of an augmented reality tool to enable people with mild cognitive impairment to remain autonomous in their daily outings.
Thank you again to the members of my jury and the people present to support me. My thesis is accessible online here.
Would motor-imagery based BCI user training benefit from more women experimenters? Read our paper to learn about our first results.
What is the influence of the modality of feedback for post-stroke and neurotypical people? Read my poster to see the protocol we will use to provide answers to this question.
The Young Researchers in Interfaces Brain Computer and Neurofeedback conference gave me the chance to present the results from the experiments I made at the RIKEN institut near Tokyo in Japan.
I presented my work on the potential benefits learning companions could offer to MI-BCI training at WACAI 2018. Read the review paper.
Participated to the International BCI Meeting in Asilomar where I presented a poster on differentiating attention types using electroencephalographic data. Read the poster.
My team and I designed a video game where players control a zombie using their brain activity only and won the first price at the BrainIO BCI Hackathon. Watch the video and the description of all the projects.
Presented some work from my PhD in a poster at EDMI doctoral school day. Read the poster OR Read the article written for the newsletter of Bordeaux's laboratory of research in Computer Science - LaBRI (Written in french).